
The Society for Archaeal Biology aims to become a cornerstone in microbial science and is deeply committed to advancing our knowledge of archaea—the mysterious microorganisms straddling the realms of bacteria and eukaryotes.

Central to our mission is the facilitation of scientific events that serve as forums for researchers to share insights and foster collaborations. As a presence in conferences and workshops, the society provides a dynamic platform where experts can share cutting-edge protocols, find partners, and ignite discussions that propel the field forward. 

While our Society is still young, we will prioritize supporting early career members, offering mentorship, and networking opportunities. With time we also hope to offer financial assistance that encourages scientific exchange and knowledge sharing. By cultivating a collaborative and supportive environment, the Society for Archaeal Biology hopes to play a vital role in driving discoveries and pushing the boundaries of our understanding of archaeal life. 

On this page are a subset of conferences & events dedicated to Archaeal science where our Society will be present.