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This protocol describes how to synchronise a S. acidocaldarius cell culture. The first step is to administer acetic acid to arrest the cells in a G2-like state. Once washed, the culture proceeds synchronously through division and DNA replication for about two cell cycles.
Patro, M., van Wolferen, M., Ye, X., Albers, SV., Quax, T.E.F. (2022). Methods to Analyze Motility in Eury- and Crenarchaea. In: Ferreira-Cerca, S. (eds) Archaea. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2522. Humana, New York, NY.
Compiled and edited by Dr Mike Dyall-Smith
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius is one of few genetically tractable archaeal species. This protocol outlines how to transform S. acidocaldarius with electroporation.